Ajith Kumar’s much-awaited action-thriller Vidaamuyarchi is all set to hit the big screens on February 6, 2025. The movie, directed by Magizh Thirumeni, marks Ajith’s grand return to the silver screen, reaffirming his undeniable star power. Adding to the excitement, Netflix has officially revealed that Vidaamuyarchi will be available on their platform after its theatrical release. The streaming giant confirmed this in a recent announcement, making fans even more thrilled about the film’s release.
Streaming Details
Fans who can’t wait to watch Vidaamuyarchi in the comfort of their homes will be delighted to know that the movie will stream on Netflix in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi. This move ensures a wider audience for the action-packed film, which is expected to make waves in theatres first. Netflix India South shared the big news via Twitter, saying:
“Ajith Kumar is back, proving why Vidaamuyarchi never fails!
Vidaamuyarchi is coming to Netflix in Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, and Hindi after its theatrical release! #NetflixPandigai”
What to Expect from Vidaamuyarchi?
The recently unveiled trailer has already created a buzz, hinting at a gripping storyline filled with emotions and high-octane action. Ajith Kumar portrays a devoted husband who shares a strong bond with his wife, played by Trisha. However, their seemingly perfect life is tragic when Trisha’s character is kidnapped by a dangerous group in Azerbaijan. A dramatic and emotional journey follows as Ajith’s character embarks on a challenging mission to rescue her. This quest is expected to test his emotional and physical limits, promising an edge-of-the-seat experience for the audience.
Star-Studded Cast
Vidaamuyarchi boasts a stellar supporting cast, including Arjun Sarja, Regina Cassandra, and Arav. Each actor plays a vital role in weaving the story, making the film a blend of love, loss, and resilience. With Magizh Thirumeni at the helm, the movie promises an engaging mix of drama and action, appealing to both Ajith Kumar’s fans and general moviegoers. Mark your calendars for February 6, and get ready to witness Ajith Kumar’s electrifying performance in theatres. And for those waiting for the OTT release, Netflix will bring Vidaamuyarchi to your screens soon after its theatrical run!