Anganwadi and ASHA Workers Deserve a Fair Wage: A Call for Better Remuneration

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Anganwadi and ASHA workers remain the unsung heroes of our healthcare system who strive day after day to ensure better health and well-being for people in our society, specifically in rural regions. These workers contribute significantly to crucial services such as immunization, nutritional advice, and maternal and child healthcare. However, even though such workers are pivotal, some of them receive minimal wages.

Current Pay Package: The Inequity

Currently, honorarium of Anganwadi workers is ₹4,500 + ₹3,600 and of Anganwadi assistants is ₹2,500 + ₹1,800. Honorarium for the ASHA workers ranges between ₹2,000 and ₹4,000, as determined by the states. However, these are very low figures for them to meet their essential expenses and provide for their family.

The Urgency of Wage Raise

The demand for a wage hike of Anganwadi and ASHA workers has been mounting. The reasons are numerous, including: Inflationary Pressure: The increasing cost of living has eaten into the purchasing power of their existing wages. Increased Workload: The scope of their work has increased over the years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, where they played a crucial role in community outreach and awareness campaigns. Their contributions to society are too invaluable and deserve to be compensated equitably.

A Glimmer of Hope

Of recent, some states have recognized that the working conditions of these workers need improvement and thus hiked their wages. That is the right step; however, much more is in order in ensuring that the wage earned by them is equal to their work.

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A Plea for a Fair Deal

It is in the best interest of the central government and the state governments to treat the Anganwadi and ASHA workers well. With increased wages, their standard of living will be enhanced and healthcare infrastructure will also become more robust, especially in the rural sector. Let us respect them for their toil and provide them with a decent recompense that they so deserve.

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