Fans of the popular web series Panchayat were recently thrilled when Amitabh Bachchan was seen alongside Chandan Roy, who plays Vikas Shukla in the series. The photos shared by TVF created a buzz, sparking speculation about Big B’s involvement in the much-loved show. However, the collaboration was part of an awareness campaign aimed at educating viewers about the dangers of online financial scams, rather than a cameo in the show.
Amitabh Bachchan Awareness Campaign with Panchayat Cast
In a recent social media campaign, Amitabh Bachchan appeared alongside Pankaj Jha, known for his role as Vidhayak Ji in Panchayat. The campaign was focused on raising awareness about online financial scams, a growing concern in today’s digital age. In the ad, Vidhayak Ji receives a suspicious call from someone offering a “Paisa Badhao investment” scheme. He is lured into considering the fraudulent investment but is stopped just in time by Amitabh Bachchan, who delivers a stern warning about using only SEBI-approved platforms and reporting scams to Cyber Dost. Big B’s intervention in the ad is both informative and authoritative, with his signature wit urging people to be cautious and aware. The actor shared the video on Instagram, captioning it, “Be cautious, be aware!! Always use SEBI-approved apps and platforms.”
Panchayat Season 4: What We Know So Far
While the buzz around the new campaign featuring Amitabh Bachchan and the Panchayat cast was big, fans are eagerly waiting for Season 4 of Panchayat, which continues to capture hearts with its relatable characters and heartwarming stories. Filming for Season 4 is set to begin on October 25, 2024, and the upcoming season promises to be just as engaging as its predecessors.
The new season will see the return of familiar characters like Abhishek Tripathi (played by Jitendra Kumar), Manju Devi (played by Neena Gupta), and Brij Bhushan Dubey (played by Raghubir Yadav). Along with them, Faisal Malik as Prahlad, Chandan Roy as Vikas Shukla, and Sanvikaa as Rinki will also reprise their roles. Pankaj Jha, who plays the cunning Vidhayak Ji, is expected to have a significant role in the new season as well. The director, Deepak Kumar Mishra, has already confirmed that Seasons 4 and 5 are in the works, ensuring more heartwarming tales from Phulera for the fans. The show has been praised for its family-friendly content, making it one of the most cherished web series in recent years.
Season 3 Recap and What’s Next
Panchayat Season 3, which premiered in May 2024, left viewers eagerly awaiting the continuation of the story, particularly the blossoming relationship between Secretary Ji (Jitendra Kumar) and Rinki (Sanvikaa). Fans are hopeful that Season 4 will delve deeper into their love story and explore more complex dynamics within the village. Since its debut in April 2020, Panchayat has become a fan favorite for its authentic storytelling and stellar performances. With Season 4 expected to premiere on Amazon Prime Video in 2026, the series continues to be one of the most beloved shows in Indian web content.
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