Victory Venkatesh’s latest blockbuster, Sankranthiki Vasthunam, is rewriting box office records with its impressive performance. In just two days, the film has grossed a staggering ₹77 crores, setting the stage to become the highest-grossing film of Venkatesh’s illustrious career. Notably, the day two collections in the Telugu states have remained on par with the day one figure, underscoring the film’s stronghold on audiences. With the theatrical run in full swing, fans are already looking forward to its OTT debut. Here’s everything you need to know.
Sankranthiki Vasthunam OTT Release Details
According to reports from 123Telugu, Zee has secured the satellite and post-theatrical streaming rights for Sankranthiki Vasthunam. The platform reportedly paid a whopping ₹27 crores for the rights, highlighting the film’s immense commercial appeal.
As per the standard timeline for Telugu films, Sankranthiki Vasthunam is expected to premiere on Zee’s OTT platform approximately four weeks after its theatrical release. This means fans won’t have to wait too long to relive the cinematic experience from the comfort of their homes.
A Riveting Plotline that Keeps Viewers Hooked
The movie features Venkatesh in the role of Yadagiri Damodhar Raju, a retired police officer who has chosen a peaceful life in Rajahmundry with his devoted wife Bhagyalakshmi, played by Aishwarya Rajesh. However, their tranquil existence is shattered when a high-profile kidnapping rocks the region.
Srinivas Avasarala portrays Satya Akella, a renowned tech entrepreneur abducted during his visit to Telangana. The situation escalates to a national concern, prompting the Chief Minister to appoint Meenakshi, a dynamic police officer played by Meenakshi Chaudhary, to lead the rescue operation. Adding an intriguing twist, Meenakshi shares a complicated history with Raju as his ex-girlfriend, further intensifying the drama.
A Winning Combination of Talent and Storytelling
With its gripping narrative, masterful direction, and outstanding performances, Sankranthiki Vasthunam has struck a chord with audiences, translating into remarkable box-office success.
What’s Next for Sankranthiki Vasthunam?
As the movie continues to dominate theaters, anticipation for its OTT release is at an all-time high. With its action-packed storyline and emotional depth, Sankranthiki Vasthunam is well on its way to becoming a milestone in Venkatesh’s career. Stay tuned for more updates as this cinematic sensation continues to make waves.
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