If You Troubled In Winters Then Eat This Halwa

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Winter Food: Let’s talk today friends, This common disease spread in winters, which every person gets as soon as winter arrives. Whose name is cold and every person is troubled by cold. Due to which headache, fever, pain in cheeks, pain in gums starts. Diseases like blocked nose occur.

Due to which a lot of trouble is being seen in today’s youth and children. Due to which neither they are able to study properly. Nor are they able to do any of their work. Due to cold and cough, a person does not feel like doing any work. So today we will talk about the panacea treatment of this disease, which you can make at home only. By mixing some things.

Things needed to make halwa

You have to take one quarter of ginger. And sugar according to taste, and dry fruits in which Ghadi, dried dates, cashews, almonds, raisins, all are mixed. Also you add black pepper and cloves and cinnamon.

Winter Food
Winter Food

Methods of making ginger halwa

First of all, grind ginger finely in a mixer. And fry it in a pan in pure Desi ghee. Then fry the jaggery and sugar well according to your taste. After that you can also add some dry fruits. And add some sugar according to your taste. Then cook it on low gas flow for 15 to 20 minutes.

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Its benefits and disadvantages

As you know friends, no home made recipe goes waste and neither does it cause any harm. If you eat anything in excess then every thing causes harm. So the simple thing is that if you eat this halwa in limit, one or two spoons in the morning and evening then it will not harm you at all. If you eat it excessively, eat three-four spoons in a day. Then it will definitely harm you.

Talking about its benefits, its benefits are so many. That you will not feel cold at all in winters. There will be no cold, flu or fever. It will make your bones strong and will keep your stomach absolutely clean. It will immediately eliminate all the bacteria produced in the stomach.

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