Long Hair Tips: Hair Will Be Longer than Knee, Follow This Method

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Long Hair Tips: Do you want to make your hair long and thick till your waist or knees in a short time, but if the growth of your hair is very slow. So you can use coconut oil as well as onion juice to make your hair long till the knees.

Because there are many such elements present inside onion juice and coconut oil, which not only help in making the hair long in a short time but also in making the hair thick and strong. Onion juice has been used in hair not just today but for many years. Let’s know about how to make hair long in a short time using onion juice and coconut oil.

Long Hair Tips: Use onion juice with coconut oil like this to make hair long till the knees

Onion juice contains a high amount of sulfur, sulfur helps a lot in increasing the blood cells of our hair rapidly. Also, there are many such elements present inside coconut oil which help in making our hair long in a very short time.

Do you want to make your hair long and thick till your waist, but if the growth of your hair is very slow. Then you can use onion juice and coconut oil in your hair. Because onion juice and coconut oil contain many such nutritious elements.

Long Hair Tips
Long Hair Tips

Which not only helps in making our hair long in less time but also helps in making it thick and strong. To apply a mixture of onion juice and coconut oil in the hair, first of all after grinding 4 small size onions properly, you have to separate the onion juice.

Now you have to add 2 to 3 teaspoons of coconut oil in the onion juice and if you want, you can also add the liquid of vitamin E capsule in this mixture. Because vitamin E is also very beneficial for our hair. After preparing this mixture, you have to keep it like this for some time. After that you have to apply this mixture well on the hair. After 1 hour, you will have to wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

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