Weight Loss: If You Want To Be Fit And Slim, Then Follow This Method

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Weight loss and gain is a normal process in our body. Weight especially increases with age. Weight gain more than normal becomes the cause of many health problems.

There are many reasons behind weight gain, such as lack of physical activities, metabolism, excessive stress and sometimes health problems as well as taking medicines are also the reason for weight gain, but have you ever wondered how weight increases? Our weight depends on the diet we take. So let’s know about the science of weight gain from specialist Prashant Desai.

What causes weight gain?

Actually, the food we eat contains chemical energy. And the cells of our body contain microcondyle, which works to convert the chemical energy of our body into electrical energy. This energy gives us energy to work in our daily life. When you take more energy, and on the other hand do not spend the energy, then weight starts increasing.

Weight gain occurs due to energy storage:

When extra energy comes into the body and you do not spend it, then neither your energy is exhausted. And energy production also stops. This energy starts getting stored in our body somewhere. When energy starts getting stored in our body, then flesh also starts increasing. In fact, when flesh increases, it is called weight gain.

Weight loss
Weight loss

Causes of weight gain

The most important reason for weight gain is stress and consumption of junk or fast food. If we take more stress or consume more junk or fast food, then it is harmful for our mental and physical health. Many times genetic reasons are also involved in weight gain, which include taking more medicine, lack of sleep, low thyroid hormone, and many other problems due to which our weight increases. You should consult a doctor to know why your weight is increasing.

How to prevent weight gain?

If you are troubled by the problem of weight gain and you want to prevent your weight from increasing, then first of all you have to pay attention to your lifestyle. You have to take a balanced and nutritious diet. You have to consume a diet that contains less calories and more fiber.

You can also exercise regularly to reduce weight. You should avoid unhealthy snacks, sweets, fried foods or consume them in limited quantities. Drink plenty of water so that your body remains hydrated and metabolism remains better. Get adequate sleep because poor sleep can also lead to weight gain. Try to reduce stress, for this you can resort to meditation or yoga.

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