Drink Any One of These Juices Once a Day in Winter, You will Get Rid of Uric acid

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This is a common problem in winter and causes many health problems. High juices uric acid levels can cause problems like gout, heart disease, kidney stones, and high blood pressure. So, it is essential that we take measures to control our uric acid levels so that these problems can be avoided.

Why does uric acid increase?

In the human body, uric acid rises due to an element called purine that is consumed in large amounts. It is present in the food that we consume. Some quantity of purine is passed out from the body in the form of urine. But when a large excess amount of the same has accumulated in the body, and the kidney fails to filter it efficiently, the level of uric acid rises. This uric acid accumulates around the joints, causing it to be in pain and swelling.

Controls of uric acid 

The good news is that some fruits and vegetables present in your kitchen can help in controlling uric acid levels. By drinking their juice, the uric acid accumulated inside the body can be removed. Apart from this, these juices also help in detoxifying the body, which also gets rid of other types of toxins. Let us know about some such juices, which can be helpful in controlling uric acid levels.

1. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is very beneficial in reducing uric acid. It contains citric acid, which helps in flushing out the uric acid accumulated in the body. Drinking lemon water daily also makes it easier to stay hydrated in winter. It not only reduces uric acid, but also provides freshness to the body.

2. Ginger water

A compound in ginger called gingerol helps in reducing uric acid. It slows down the formation of uric acid and reduces inflammation. Ginger also possesses anti-inflammatory properties, which help in relieving joint pain. You can take 1-2 teaspoons of ginger juice daily or mix it in your tea or sherbet and drink it.

3. Cherry juice

Problems such as gout can be highly beneficial with cherry consumption. Anthocyanin, a compound in cherries, blocks the production of uric acid and lowers the deposition level of uric acid in the body. Drinking cherry juice helps provide relief from gout and other uric acid problems.

Regular intake of these juices can prove to be helpful in controlling uric acid. Also, maintaining a proper diet, drinking enough water, and keeping up with some form of physical activity are important.

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